Menopause Weight Loss Protocol
Menopause Weight Loss Protocol
Are you peri or post menopausal and struggling to lose weight with the traditional dieting strategies that have worked for you in the past? Does it feel like your belly is getting bigger by the day ever since you hit menopause?
Your doctor will tell you "it's just a part of getting older". And although there is some truth to the fact, it certainly isn't the full truth. Your body has changed because your hormones have changed. Because of that, your approach needs to change. In this protocol, I give you my cheat code to menopausal weight loss.
It's the same protocol that I use with my clients, and it's the same stratetgy I used on myself personally when I was diagnosed with "stress-induced menopause" at the age of 28.
Whether you take my advice or not, just don't surrender to the belief that you can't change your body now that you're in menopause- it's not true, you just need a different approach.